Barn Owls 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wilson
Welcome to Barn Owls.
We are a year 3 class and our teacher is Mrs Wilson
Weekly reminders:
Monday- new spellings set on Purple Mash
Tuesday- math task set on Purple Mash, reading records checked for at least 3 reads
Wednesday- indoor PE
Thursday- outdoor PE
Friday- spelling test
Remember to:
- Read at least three times per week - and record this in your reading journal.
- Practise times tables regularly. We are learning our 4 x table during the Autumn term. TTRS is a fun way to practise.
-Share books with your family outside of your reading book.
-Return class collection books once finished to choose another to take home to share!
Barn Owls: News items
Little Owls and Barn Owls Book Swap, by Mrs Fawcett
Clay in y3, by Mrs Wilson
Y3 Forest Schools, by Mrs Wilson
Barn Owls: Display work items
There are no Display work items to display