Spectacled Owls 2024 - 2025

Mrs Parkin



Welcome to the Spectacled Owls class page!


Our teacher is Mrs Parkin.

We are a kind and bubbly Year 1 and 2 class with a good attitude to learning and a sense of fun.  We always try our best and don't give up if things get tricky.

A few helpful reminders:


Outdoor PE (please come in PE kit)

Homework handed in 

New homework set



Indoor PE (come in PE kit)



Reading books are changed today.


Please ensure that earrings are removed on PE days.

 Each child has a at least 3 books matched to their phonics group and a free choice book. Their reading scheme book will be changed on a Friday by their reading teacher, and they can change their free choice book when they want to. Please make sure your child has their reading scheme book and reading record book with them every day so that they can read to an adult when needed. 


To help your child learn, you could:

- Talk to them about their school day

- Listen to them read at least three times per week and record any home reading in their yellow reading record book

- Help them to learn spellings and times tables and help them with their homework

- Make sure they are in their PE kit on the correct day


Keep an eye on the website for weekly class updates, celebrations and Academy news.


At the beginning of each half term look the sub-pages on here (labelled Autumn 1, Autumn 2, Spring 1 etc.)


If you have any queries, please ask!


Spectacled Owls: News items

Lovely artwork, by Mrs Pearce

Spectacled Owls art, by Mrs Parkin

Spectacled Owls: Display work items

There are no Display work items to display

Spectacled Owls: Events items

Year 1 & 2 Sports Day, by Mrs Worley

Student Login