Local Governing body

Welcome to our Governors’ section.Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities, and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Here at Crowle Primary Academy, we are very proud to work with and be part of a team of an outward looking academy that is striving to outstanding.  As members of the Governing Body, we see the immense effort and dedication that goes into moving our academy forward and improving standards.  It is our role to support and challenge the academy to do even better.   

Our governors are an important link between the academy and our local community.  They are made up of parents of children at the academy, staff at the academy and community representatives. 

The Governing Body, alongside the Headteacher and staff, are responsible for the academy.   We hold the academy to account for the standards and progress it achieves - we aim to improve the academy and pupil performance.  We help make important decisions about the academy, support academy improvements by working with the staff to put in place a Developing Excellence Plan, we interview and select staff, oversee the performance management of the staff and monitor how the academy budget is spent to provide value for money. We work with the CEO of the Rose Learning Trust to appoint the Headteacher and delegate to her the responsibility of the day to day running of the academy.  Any important decisions are made by the Governing Body as a whole. The Governors operate at a strategic level. 

We have a Local Governing Board meeting at least once a term. 

The Audit and Risk Committee and the Developing Excellence Committee meet each term. All governors are invited to these meetings. Either the Chair of Governors or the Vice Chair will lead these meetings. 

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, this can be done in writing using the academy's address. 

Governors are individuals committed to improve the performance of the academy for the benefit of all students.  Outstanding academies require outstanding governance.  The Governor role is as much about being a critical friend as it is about holding the academy to account about all aspects of the school’s performance. There is a requirement to attend a meeting each term and Governors are actively encouraged to visit the academy to carry out agreed monitoring activities. The role does require you to volunteer some of your time but is very rewarding.  If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact Rhonda Blakemore (Headteacher) at the acade


Area of Responsibility, Link Governor and Staff

Area of Responsibility Link Governor Staff
Safeguarding Jennifer Fullwod Rhonda Blakemore
SEND Charlotte Leach Erica Fawcett
Disadvantaged Pupils All Governors Rhonda Blakemore
Assessment (inc. data) All Governors Rhonda Blakemore & Erica Fawcett
PE Laura Turner Leanne Highton
Anti-Racism Jane Howden Cheryl Pearce
RSE Jane Howden Cheryl Pearce
Standards & Effectiveness (focus on data and DEP

Jennie Fullwood (Chair

Donna Young

Jane Howden

Debbie Secker

Academy Staff
Pay Review

Donna Young

Charlotte Leach

Debbie Secker  - Resigned 27/05/2024

CEO/Rhonda Blakemore

Local Governing Body Crowle Primary Academy 

Name of Chair

Date of appointment

Date of Resignation

Jennifer Fullwood



Name of Vice Chair

Date of Appointment


Donna Young



Local Governing Body


Appointed by:

Governor Board

Elected by school staff

Elected by parents

Category of Governor

Governor, Staff, parent

Term of Office


Term of Office


Date of Resignation

Rhonda Blakemore

Head Teacher

Ex officio by virtue of office



Donna Young






Laura Turner






Charlotte Leach






Emma Solomon






Jane Howden

School Staff





Rachel Hiblin






Debbie Secker






Jennifer Fullwod







Governors who have resigned over the last 12 months


Appointed by

Category of Governor

Term of Office


Term of Office


Date of Resignation

Donna Rowbottom Governor Governor 07/09/2015 06/09/2023 16/11/2022
Rachel Hiblin Governor Governor 09/03/2022 08/03/2025 10/09/2023
Debbie Secker Governor Governor 18/01/2023 17/01/2027 27/05/2024


Declarations of interest 

Governors Date confirmed on Governor Hub




(i.e., Director, employee, governor)

Notes From To
Rhonda Blakemore 29/11/2023 N/A N/A Husband owns UPVC company  01/09/2016 Present
Rhonda Blakemore 29/11/2023 N/A N/A Husband previously employed as casual site supervisor, resigned 16.10.23 01/09/2023 16/10/2023
Donna Young 10/09/2023 Dophin HR Consultancy Ltd Director No connections to the school 22/11/2019 Present
Charlotte Leach 06/11/2023 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Jennie Fullwood 26/11/2023 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Laura Turner 28/11/2023 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Jane Howden 10/10/2023 Crowle Primary Academy Employee Small crafting hobby where sell small items for little or no profit 05/01/2022 Present
Rachel Hiblin 19/03/2022 Owston Primary Academy Employee Rachel is an employee at Owston Primary Academy which is part of the Trust 01/06/2018 10/09/2023 (Resigned)
Emma Solomon 21/11/2023 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Debbie Secker 09/11/2023 Richmond Hill Primary Headteacher Debbie is an employee at Richmond Hill Primary which is part of The Rose Learning Trust (RLT) 18/01/2023 Resigned 27/05/2024
Debbie Secker 09/11/2023 Richmond Hill Primary  Headteacher Cousin is an employee at Richmond Hill Primary which is part of the RLT 18/01/2023 Present
Debbie Secker 09/11/2023 Richmond Hill Primary Headteacher Hsband's Business 18/01/2023 Present


Governors Date confirmed on Governor Hub




(i.e., Director, employee, governor)

Notes From To
Rhonda Blakemore 10/11/2022 N/A N/A Husband owns UPVC company  01/09/2016 Present
Donna Young 19/09/2022 Dophin HR Consultancy Ltd Director No connections to the school 22/11/2019 Present
Charlotte Leach 28/09/2022 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Donna Rowbottom 29/09/2021 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Laura Turner 28/09/2022 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Jane Howden 10/11/2022 Crowle Primary Academy Employee

Son works at Crowle Primary Academy as a casual Midday Suprvisor and Casual Teaching Assistant

Small crafting hobby where sell small items for little or no profit

05/01/2022 Present
Rachel Hiblin 18/09/2022 Owston Primary Academy Employee Rachel is an employee at Owston Primary Academy which is part of the Trust 01/06/2018 10/09/2023
Emma Solomon 21/09/2022 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Debbie Secker 27/01/2023

Richmond Hilll Primary


Debbie is an employee at Richmond Hill Primary Academy which is part of The Rose Learning Trust (RLT)


Resigned 27/05/2024

Debbie Secker 27/01/2023

Richmond Hill Primary


Cousin is also an employee at Richmond Hill which is part of the RLT



Debbie Secker 27/01/2023

T & S Joinery


Husband's business



Attendance Record 2023/2024

Y Attended
N Apologies ccepted
NA Apologies not accepted
NS Apologies not sent
N/A Not required

Full Governing Board 2023/2024

Governors Invited

Date of Meeting

1st November 2023

(Extraordinary Meeting)

Date of Meeting

29th November 2023

Date of Meeting

6th March 2024

Date of Meeting

19th June 2024

Meetings Attended Out of a possible

Rhonda Blakemore

Y Y Y   3 3

Jennifer Fullwod

Not appointed Y Y   2 2

Charlotte Leach

Y Y N   2 3

Donna Young

Y Y Y   3 3

Jane Howden

N Y Y   2 3

Laura Turner

Y Y Y   3 3

Emma Solomon

N Y Y   2 3

Debbie Secker

Y Y N   2 3

Audit and Risk Committee Meetings 2023/2024

Governors Invited

Date of Meeting

1st May 2024

Date of Meeting

3rd July 2024

Meetings Attended Out of a Possible
Rhonda Blakemore Y   1 1
Jennie Fullwood Y   1 1
Charlotte Leach N   0 1
Donna Young (Committee Chair) Y   1 1
Emma Solomon Y   1 1

Pay Committee 2023/2024

Governors Invited

Date of Meeting

7th November 2023

Meeting Attended Out of a possible Notes

Rhonda Blakemore

Y 1 1  

Donna Young (Chair)

Y 1 1  

Charlotte Leach

Y 1 1  

Debbie Secker

Y 1 1  

Attendance Record 2022/2023

Y Attended
N Apologies accepted
NA Apologies not accepted
NS Apologies not sent
N/A Not Required

Full Governing Board 2022/2023

Governors Invited

Date of Meeting


Date of Meeting


Date of Meeting


Meetings Attended Out of a possible
Rhonda Blakemore Y Y Y 3 3
Donna Young Y Y Y 3 3
Charlotte Leach Y Y Y 3 3
Jane Howden Y Y Y 3 3
Donna Rowbottom Y N/A N/A 1 1
Laura Turner Y Y Y 3 3
Rachel Hiblin N Y Y 2 3
Emma Solomon Y Y Y 3 3
Debbie Secker Not appointed Y Y 2 2

Audit and Risk Meeting 2022/2023

Governors Invited

Date of Meeting


Date of Meeting


Meetings Attended Out of a possible
Rhonda Blakemore Y Y 2 2
Donna Young Y Y 2 2
Charlotte Leach N N 0 2
Donna Rowbottom N/A N/A 0 0
Laura Turner N Y 1 2
Jane Howden Y Y 2 2
Emma Solomon Y Y 2 2
Rachel Hiblin N N 0 2
Debbie Secker Y N 1 2

Pay Committee 2022/2023

Governors Invited

Date of Meeting


Meeting Attended Out of a possible Notes
Rhonda Blakemore Y 1 1  
Charlotte Leach (Chair) Y 1 1  
Donna Rowbottom Y 1 1 Resigned 16/11/2022 after the meeting
Rachel Hiblin Y 1 1  


Contact Details

If you wish to get in contact with our Governing Body or Chair of Governors, please write to:

Chair of Governors

Crowle Primary Academy

Manor Road


DN17 4ET

The Rose Learning Trust Governance and Finance 

Governance information can be found here https://www.roselearning.co.uk/page/governance/140143

Finance Information can be found here  The Rose Learning Trust: Financial Information

Link to The Rose Learning Trust governance documents and policies.


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