Eagle Owls 2024 - 2025
Mrs Highton
Welcome to the Eagle Owls class page!
Our teacher is Mrs Highton.
Our TA is Mrs Lindsay
We are a year 6 class full of energetic and bubbly pupils who are ready to learn.
We know that it is important to try our best and be resilient in all of our learning.
A few helpful reminders:
New spellings set
Outdoor PE (please come to school in PE kit)
Bring your reading record to be checked (3 reads minimum)
Homework set
Homework hand in day
Indoor PE (please come to school in PE kit)
Spelling test day
To help your child learn, you could:
- Talk to them about their school day
- Listen to them read at least three times per week
- Practise times tables regularly
- Help them to learn spellings
Keep an eye on the app for weekly class updates, celebrations and Academy news.
Eagle Owls: News items
Y6 Art - Monotypes, by Mrs Highton
Y6 Goalball, by Mrs Highton
Y6 Holocaust Memorial, by Mrs Highton
Eagle Owls: Display work items
There are no Display work items to display