Snowy Owls 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hegarty
Welcome to the Snowy Owls class page!
Our teacher is Mrs Hegarty
We are a year 4 class who always strive to be the best that we can be and enjoy our time as a team!
It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer - Albert Einstein
Just like Albert Einstein we will tenaciously work through any problem we may encounter!
A few helpful reminders:
Today is our indoor PE session
Homework is set today on Purple Mash
Homework is checked today
Reading check (please ensure you have completed a minimum of 3 reads and updated your reading journal).
We have outdoor PE today
To help your child learn, you could:
- Talk to them about their school day
- Listen to them read at least three times per week - and record this on the Boom Reader App
- Practise times tables regularly
- Encourage them to use TTRS
- Help them to learn spellings
- - Complete homework weekly on Purple Mash
Keep an eye on School Spider for weekly class updates, celebrations and Academy news.
Snowy Owls: News items
Snowy Owls - Reading Club, by Mrs Hegarty
A very musical week for Snowy Owls!, by Mrs Hegarty
Snowy Owls, by Mrs Hegarty
Snowy Owls: Display work items
There are no Display work items to display