During their Reception year, children are taught to read and spell common exception words through phonics teaching and in other English and topic activities.
From Year 1, children learn common spellings daily from rules and patterns identified in the National Curriculum. In addition, the discreet teaching of spelling begins in Year 2 with daily lessons, using the sounds and syllables spelling approach. This follows a 4 step teaching sequence.
Step 1: Pronunciation
Good pronunciation is the bedrock of good spelling. The word is pronounced clearly, with over-enunciation using a spelling voice rather than natural speech, so vej|uh|tuh|bul not vej|tuh|bul. We ensure that children can pronounce the word clearly.
Step 2: Syllables
We identify the number of syllables, tap them out and say them clearly at the same time. Vertical lines are then drawn to separate the syllables.
Step 3: Sounds
We focus on each syllable in turn. Each sound in the first syllable is said clearly, drawing horizontal sound buttons. The sounds are said once more, this time writing the spelling of each sound. The process is repeated for each syllable.
Step 4: Tricky Parts
These are the parts we will need to think most carefully about when spelling the word. In vegetable, for example the second ‘e’ is elided and will likely to be missed by some spellers.
Application of spelling strategies are used in all subject areas and children are given time to proof read their work to check for spelling errors. Spelling events are organised throughout the year from Year 1 and parents are encouraged to support their child to learn spellings.