Elf Owls: News items
Busy times, by Mrs Pearce
KS1 litter pick and church visit, by Mrs Parkin
The past few weeks, by Mrs Pearce
Busy week in Elf Owls, by Mrs Pearce
Interfaith Art, by Mrs Pearce
A busy week, by Mrs Pearce
A wonderful day at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, by Mrs Pearce
DT - using the bridge and claw method, by Mrs Pearce
History learning, by Mrs Pearce
A sporty week, by Mrs Pearce
Regrouping, by Mrs Pearce
Maths and writing, by Mrs Pearce
Place value and English learning., by Mrs Pearce
King's Coronation artwork, by Mrs Pearce
A busy week of technology, by Mrs Pearce
Writing Experience Day, by Mrs Pearce
Maths meeting, by Mrs Pearce
Brainiest class, super art and maths time, by Mrs Pearce
Christingle making, by Mrs Pearce
It's beginning to look like Christmas, by Mrs Pearce
Busy, busy, busy!, by Mrs Pearce
Art display, by Mrs Pearce
Wax resist art, by Mrs Pearce
Growth mindset and resilience, by Mrs Pearce
Elf Owls Artwork, by Mrs Pearce