Our Display work

The Rabbit Hole books, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Jul 2021 @ 7:15pm

7th June 2021 - A huge thank you to 'The Rabbit Hole' book shop in Brigg for the donation of a large box of books, some signed by Phil Earl. We are very grateful. 

Year 5/6 sports day, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Jul 2021 @ 7:13pm

28th May 2021 - Year 5 and 6 sports afternoon. Each child represented one of 4 teams and competed in a series of events: team standing jump, target throw, javelin throw, a distance race and sprinting The overall winners were the purple team!

Tree planting, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Jul 2021 @ 7:11pm

5th May 2021- Year 2 have been busy planting trees in our school grounds. We planted rowan, silver birch and wild cherry trees. Thank you to Trevor who helped us this morning.

Captain Tom 100, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Jul 2021 @ 7:09pm

5th May 2021 - As part of our #CaptainTom100 challenge, Forest owls made a 100-ring chain of gratitude with messages of thanks to our key workers and Captain Tom.Some of the other activities we did were, finding 100 words to make a smiley face, 100 acts of kindness, 100 skips and 100 consecutive bounces.

Mindfulness Jars, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Jul 2021 @ 7:05pm

30th April 2021 - Year 2 had a great wellbeing time making mindfulness bottles with Jane. The children are going to use them when they do their breathing exercises. 

Daily Mile, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Jul 2021 @ 7:02pm

30th April 2021- we really enjoyed joining in with the daily mile this week. 

Happy Easter, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Jul 2021 @ 6:59pm

Happy Easter, we hope you like our bonets. 

30th March 2021- Covid reflections, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 4:36pm

During our wellbeing time we reflected on the last year during Covid. These are some of our reflections.

26th March 20201- Growth mindset awards, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 4:32pm

A massive well done to all those children receiving the growth mindset and gold standard award this term. We are so proud of them. It was lovely to see the friends and family of the children joining us to celebrate in our zoom assembly this morning.

24th March 2021 - fun run, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 4:30pm

We worked with the Get Ahead Partnership to complete our Red Fun run as part of our work on staying active. Each child ran for about 12 minutes and counted how many laps they did. As a school we ran 359,100 meters!

March 2021 - Active playtimes, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 6:10pm

The year 5 and 6 children really enjoyed the new play equipment last week, we had wonderful active playtimes.

March 2021 - Reading Plus, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 6:09pm

Year 4 are very excited about starting their reading catch up programme on their brand new Chromebooks. 

March 2021 - Get Ahead, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 6:06pm

Today we were surprised to receive sporting gifts from the Get Ahead team.

March 2021 - extreme reading challenge, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 6:04pm

Great reading photos!

March 2021- Draw with Rob, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 6:03pm

We had lots of fun drawing along with Rob as part of the live World Book Day event. Look at our wonderful creations!

March 2021- Parental feedback, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 6:01pm

We have received some fantastic feedback following our remote learning survey. Thank you to those parents who took the time to respond.

March 2021 - Reading week, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 5:59pm

We started our reading focus week off with a great assembly which included a game of the masked reader. Can you spot who they all are?

February 2021- Nature area, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 5:57pm

The nature area is looking lovely in the snow. 

January 2021 - our wonderful staff, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 5:48pm

Our wonderful staff stayed after a hard week to make sure the care packages were ready to go out to children learning from home. 140 of these were then delivered to children at home ready for their ‘coco and chat’ sessions with their teacher and their friends  . 

Mental Health award, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 5:46pm

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded Bronze status from Leeds Beckett University for the work we do to support the mental health and wellbeing of our children, staff and parents. We are all very proud.  

Children's mental health week, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 5:39pm

February 2021

What a beautiful book to share during children's mental health week. Some important messages to be shared. Our Y2 children had some thoughtful discussions after reading this.

Growth mindset and gold standard awards, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 11:04am

A massive well done to those children receiving the growth mindset and gold standard awards this term, we are so proud of you. 

Red Fun Run, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 10:49am

Yesterday we worked with the Get Ahead Partnership to complete our Red Fun run as part of our work on staying active. Each child ran for about 12 minutes and counted how many laps they did. As a school we ran 359,100 meters!

Year 2's amazing writers, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 9:37am

Extreme reading challenge, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 5:04pm

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